![]() I hear it often. People get so overwhelmed by clutter and dis-organization that they don't know where to start. Life gets busy, and changes happen quickly, which can lead to losing the bits of organization they had in place. Is it a losing battle? NO, not at all! Figuring out what to do, and where to start is the first thing. Many Professional Organizers offer online Virtual sessions, to help with this process. They'll see things in a different perspective, even through a computer or phone screen. Suggestions and ideas can be chosen to work for you, and a plan of action will help get you motivated. Follow-up and check-in sessions will help keep you on track. If you are struggling or overwhelmed with clutter, try a session sooner than later. Bev Chandler, Professional Organizer, 306-536-8844 C&C Organizing. www.ccorganizing.ca Re-claim space, time, and relationships.
![]() …and then fighting with them to clean it up? Children’s bedrooms tend to get cluttered and untidy, partly because they grow so fast and move from one interest to another. That’s a part of growing up! Staying on top of all these new interests is challenging. One day they are into cars or dolls, and the next it’s dinosaurs or crafts. Add them all up and the accumulation happens. What if you could teach them how to organize their stuff and get rid of the clutter? - They would be able to put things away themselves. - They would know what they have, and where to find it. - Their distractions would lessen, and they could focus and enjoy each activity to the fullest. - They would have space to play, and have friends over. Wonderful! …right? But where do you start? That’s why I wrote the book “Where are my crayons”, A Learn to Organize Story. It teaches children the process of sorting and organizing their belongings. This illustrated book is geared for 3 to 6 year olds, but even older children can take the information and apply it to their own rooms. With a bonus section “Tips for organizing with others”, you’ll be prepared to help your children declutter and straighten up their space. The organizing process is no secret. It takes some time and patience, but the outcome is worth it! If you, or someone you know, needs this kind of help, my book is available in ebook, softcover, or hardcover from Amazon or other online bookstores listed on my website https://www.ccorganizing.ca/book.html I appreciate you sharing this with others so that it can reach anyone who needs it. Thank you so much. Bev Chandler, Professional Organizer, 306-536-8844 C&C Organizing. www.ccorganizing.ca Re-claim space, time, and relationships. ![]() Do you have a space where things go when they don’t have a home? Lots of times it’s the basement, or spare bedroom or home office ...put things there in a hurry and close the door! Then you go to use the space, and after looking at it, you turn around and head to another room. The space has become unusable. How do you keep this from happening? 1) Decide on the function(s) of each room and stick to it. 2) Make some space in a storage room or closet to keep “extra” stuff until it’s needed or has a home. 3) Decide where something is going before it gets into the house. 4) Let go of something to make a spot for a new item. 5) Containerize – decide how much storage you’ll allocate to a category of items and pare down items to fit. For example: “ I’ll keep only the amount of books that fit in my bookcase”. As you work through the items in your dumping ground, ask yourself: - “Do I still need it?” - “When was the last time I used it?” - “If I let it go, can I borrow or rent it, if I need it again?” Now, go clear that dumping ground and re-claim your space! Need help or suggestions? Give me a call. Bev Chandler, Professional Organizer, 306-536-8844 C&C Organizing. www.ccorganizing.ca Re-claim space, time, and relationships. ![]() Wow! I’m so excited and honored to be nominated a second time for our industry's Ambassador Award, through Professional Organizers in Canada (POC)! This annual award recognizes Professional Organizers who give back to other organizers, is involved with their POC chapter, and devotes time and energy volunteering in the community. A big Thank You to POC for this opportunity, to my colleagues for the nomination, and to the awards committee for selecting me as 1 of 3 finalists! Congratulations to the award winner, announced on Oct 13, 2021. I'm so honored to have been one of the 3 finalists, ![]() Collections are great, but when it's too large, the goodness gets lost. I recently found the box of recipe books I had stashed in the basement. My recipe drawer was already overflowing and it was hard to get to the books I use the most. So what did I do? I challenged myself to only keep what would fit nicely into the drawer. Now that’s easy to say, but harder to do. I had kept those recipe books for a reason. Some were my Mom’s, some were bought from a fundraiser or family member, and some had a recipe or title that caught my eye. But really, how books on home canning did I need! Another thing is that my usual process for looking up a new recipe is to go to the index of a couple of my recipe books, and then head straight to Google. While I sorted through, I quickly looked to see if the book had any recipes I wanted to keep, and use soon. I took pictures of those recipes, or if I was recycling the book, I tore out the page. A couple books went to the cottage (it was hard to part with the Canadian Cookbook from grade 9 with my name in it), and lots were donated. Now my recipe drawer is a pleasure to use, and I can quickly find what I’m looking for! Need help or suggestions? Give me a call to talk about your situation. Bev Chandler, Professional Organizer, 306-536-8844 C&C Organizing ... Re-claim space, time, and relationships. www.ccorganizing.ca ![]() When my son moved out, I set him up with pantry items in canning jars and spice containers. It gave him basic ingredients without having to spend extra money on those items. This can work for anyone! If you are tired of opening plastic bags and small boxes to get to the ingredients you need, these custom sized glass containers are a great solution. Here’s why:
Once you’ve filled the jar with an ingredient, store any extra amount in a basket up high, or out of the way. When you’ve used up the ingredient in the jar, check the basket to see if you have any extra, before buying more. ...and the last benefit, it looks neat and organized! Need help or suggestions? Give me a call to talk about your situation. Bev Chandler, Professional Organizer, 306-536-8844 C&C Organizing ... Re-claim space, time, and relationships. www.ccorganizing.ca ![]() Straightening up from time to time, is something that most people face, including me. As I’ve been swapping to “clean beauty” skin care, make-up, and personal care products, I would put my new products in my drawers, where ever they fit. Pretty soon, items were getting hidden by other items, and I was opening and closing drawers many times, as I got ready in the morning and at night. Here’s how I solved that: - As I removed each item from each drawer, I sorted them on the counter based on category. Skin care together, make-up together with it’s brushes, hair products together. - Next, based size of the containers, I decided which drawer it would go into (my upper drawer is shorter than the drawer under it). - With each drawer, the items I used the most went closest to the front. - Drawer dividers were used to keep the groupings together, and to keep larger bottles standing up. It is sooo much better now that it’s organized! Need help or suggestions? Give me a call to talk about your situation. Bev Chandler, Professional Organizer, 306-536-8844 C&C Organizing ... Re-claim space, time, and relationships. www.ccorganizing.ca ![]() This was the challenge I made to myself. Fit all those sewing and craft supplies into that five drawer dresser! I love to sew and make things. Over the years I use up supplies, and then acquire more. Recently, I got this dresser and painted it white. My vision was to have all my sewing and craft supplies in one place, and easily available in the 5 drawers. Items were already sorted, so how hard could it be? Well, I could see right away that I had more supplies than drawer space. ...but this was my strategy. Pare down what I really want and will use, and donate, re-purpose, or trash the rest! This is a great organizing strategy. When you have a category of items where you only use some of the items, most of the time, then question why you are keeping the rest. For this project, I pared down notions (how many zippers do I really need?), got rid of crafts that I would no longer do (or not in the foreseeable future anyway), and donated patterns (even some that I had used and loved, but would never make again). It took determination, and constantly looking at the 5 drawers as a reminder, but I accomplished my goal. Now, I love having my supplies handy, and I know what I have and where it is! Are you struggling with too many items to fit your space? Challenge yourself to reduce the amount of items, so that they fit. Need help or suggestions? Let’s chat! Bev Chandler, Professional Organizer, 306-536-8844 C&C Organizing ... Re-claim space, time, and relationships. www.ccorganizing.ca ![]() January 4th is the first ever International Day of Professional Organizers! With January's resolution time, and change of habits, it's the perfect month to have a special day to highlight professional organizing. If you've resolved to do thing differently this year, a professional organizer can help with the planning, keep you on track, and offer hands-on assistance. Moving forward in a positive way can be fun and exciting, especially when you have someone to help you with the process. Big project or small, find out how a Professional Organizer can work with you, to get you where you want to be! Bev Chandler, Professional Organizer C&C Organizing https://www.ccorganizing.ca/ ![]() Are you moving, or thinking about moving? Whether you are downsizing or not, going through your belongings ahead of time makes packing easier, saves on transport costs, and helps with unpacking into your new home. As well, it relieves some of the stress and anxiety of moving. But what to do? - Grouping like items together shows you how much you have and lets you decide how much you will keep. - Placing groupings near to where they are used, helps with getting them moved to the same room in your new space. - Donating and/or selling items in advance will move the process along. Still overwhelmed, or do you have so many belongings that you don't know where to start? Going through it all and setting up new spaces, is what I'm all about. The before/after picture was moving someone from a farm with outbuildings, to a 12' x 12' room in an assisted living residence. Lots of decisions, but a smooth process with a happy ending. Call me and we can chat about getting your move moving! Bev Chandler, Professional Organizer, 306-536-8844 C&C Organizing ... Re-claim space, time, and relationships. www.ccorganizing.ca |
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